Little people are the reason why we do what we do at Playtoys but parenting in this new world is difficult with all its uncertainty. What do we provide our child with, in all the unknown?
In the end, all that our children want from us is:
Am I seen?
Am I worthy?
Do I matter?
The latest gadgets, clothes, holidays or even the best education will not help your child to live an empowered life and feel good about themselves.
How they see and feel about themselves lies in how we see them and feel about them, and this is reflected in the connection we experience with them. Through our gaze, presence, and attention our children grow up with a sense of self-worth.
When children aren’t valued for who they are, rather than what they have achieved they grow up anxious. Young people deprived of attention or being seen for who they are, end up turning to self-harm as a cry for attention and a yearning to be seen and known.
Children have an intrinsic need to be seen and affirmed. We need to intrinsically connect with them as a unique individual and not a clone of ourselves. ‘Do you see me?’ is a question your child is asking every day. Can you see me for who I am, someone separate from your dreams, expectations, or agenda?
Children need to know that being ordinary is perfectly okay and that we treasure them. A child’s sense of worth flourishes when the way we look at them, listen to them, and speak to them reflects how lovable they are.
This is how we empower them for the future and draw out a powerful sense of self, which in essential for living an inspired life in any world.